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Analysis of Amnesty International Success in Enforcing Human Rights in Deep South

Adam, Reza and Hakiem, Fadhlan Nur (2018) Analysis of Amnesty International Success in Enforcing Human Rights in Deep South. Analysis of Amnesty International Success in Enforcing Human Rights in Deep South, 1 (1). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2621-0924

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This study aims to understand the reasons why Amnesty International succeeded in enforcing human rights in the Deep South of Thailand's conflict. The Deep South conflict of Thailand has its roots in historic problems, since the annexation of the Patani Kingdom by the Siamese kingdom, which is now Thailand's state. Conflict which initially emerged as inter-ethnic conflict of Malay and Thai slowly transitioned into inter-Religion, Islam and Buddhism. The Deep South community as a Muslim identity feels discrimination by the Thai government as a Buddhist identity. On this issue, the Deep South people made a resistance movement to defend them against discrimination. The Thai government regards the movement as a separatist movement that means rebellion. To stem the resistance, the Thai government, then, formulated a series of laws that facilitate its tools to commit human rights abuses such as torture and detention, when the Deep South community as a local people has no access or influence to the Thai authorities. In view of these conditions, Amnesty International as an International Human Rights organization makes a successful effort to enforce human rights in the conflict. Using the Transnational Advocacy Network concept, this study explains the successes of Amnesty International. The approach used is Leverage Politics and Accountability Politics to be able to understand the successes made by Amnesty International. Both approaches are used in analyzing the success of Amnesty International in forming advocacy networks, influencing powerful actors, and pressuring the Thai government through advocacy networks. This research applies Qualitative Method, with data collection through Library Research. In this study it will also be discussed slightly about the Islamic Worldview of human rights. The researcher hoped that both state and non-state actors can understand the success of Amnesty International's role, similar steps in international dynamics, and be a reference for academics to develop this research

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Amnesty Internasional; Hak Asasi Manusia; Gerakan Transnasional; Deep South
Subjects: J Political Science > JA Political science (General)
J Political Science > JZ International relations
Divisions: Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Social Sciences
Depositing User: Fadhlan Nur Hakiem
Date Deposited: 29 Dec 2019 07:44
Last Modified: 30 Dec 2019 03:12

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