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The Role of Derivation in Word Development

Hafidz Zaid, Abdul (2022) The Role of Derivation in Word Development. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK), 04 (04). pp. 4708-4714. ISSN E-ISSN: 2685-936 P-ISSN: 2685-9351

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Derivation is a process in the formation of words or increasing vocabulary. Arabic language is among such languanges which are rich and prominent in this linguistic quality. The conclusion from this article is the structure of Arabic based on the derivation of letters consisting of fa’ fiil, ‘ain fiil, and lam fiil. From one derivation can give the several different word and shows different meanings, it can be concluded that derivation is necessary and important in the development of Arabic and the structure of the words. In this article the author’s using the method descriptive-analysis to examine the role of derivation in the formation Arabic Word.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: إن بلاشاات لق ماار ابااذك رااه ااط ك رااه ا اا ا ان يكاارن اا .ي بةك رتاا .ي ونلسااز ا لبةرااا .عا لوبويااز بةحاابلفة ل اا .ّ بةا راالع بلاشاات لق ماالى اهفاااه ابااربع بلاشات لق بةصا ا بلاشات لق بةكوا ا بلاشات لق بلأ ا ا لبلاشات لق بةكبالهة يااع . تلمتراة نّإاه اةفالظ بةا فّإاه مالى تالع بةفا ا م .ي بةفا للا بةفاا ة اط بلاشات لق ورةاة بااأ بلأةفالظ اط بااأا حا ىع ورجاة بةايقاه ا .ي بة فظا .يا لأ ّن بشات ت بلأةفالظ اط اصا ونرإه بةا فّإه لفنّإه اةفلظبلة . ) بةربحة ملى صيغ تاةدر د ّ ملى الن خت فهة بذبا ا ّن دله بلاشت لق يكرن بحتإل ًجل ل ب ًّرل
Uncontrolled Keywords: Role, Derivation, Arabic Languange
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: PAK Pasca Sarjana PBA S2
Date Deposited: 19 Jul 2023 03:04
Last Modified: 19 Jul 2023 03:04

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